Friday, December 01, 2006

A Grand Day Out

Today saw Matt, Bill and I head off for a day out. Unfortunately the weather wasn't ideal being chilly, windy, grey and damp. But we made the most of it. We took ourselves North out of Calais towards Dunkerque and explored some of the coastline along the way, stopping off in Grand-Fort Phillipe, Gravelines and Loon Plage before finding our way to Dunkerque, where we managed to get a short fly on the beach. The sand at all of these locations is simply unbelievable and well worth a visit if you can make it. The panorama below is taken from the monument at Grand-Fort Phillipe. The lighthouse is in Petit-Fort Phillipe. The bloke in teh foreground is Bill. More photos are on myu Flickr pages. If you want to know exactly where this is in Northern France, then the photo of the monument on my Flickr page is geotagged, just click on the map link.


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