Sunday, May 21, 2006

Leeds Castle 21st May 2006

castle3, originally uploaded by Pitprops.

The weather was awful. It was dull and miserable, but I did manage to get airborn long enough to get a couple of photos, and this is probably the best of the bunch. Its a view of the castle across the moat. Unfortunately conditions meant it was difficult to get close to the castle. There are a few more photos on my flickr page, follow the link below. AND who left the scaffoling on the castle?

Saturday morning was just dull and miserable with the occasional shower. Saturday afternon we got slightly more persistent rain. Did manage to get a few kites in the air, but had to be carefulk we didn't spook the shire horses. On Sunday the wind had turned through 90 degrees, so conditions were a little better, though still very turbulent because of the trees. The morning was definitely the best of the day, but after about mid-day it was persistent rain, occasionally lightening to a light downpour. So the outcome of all this was a very wet gazebo and kites - we suffer for our hobby!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Oh how annoying

Bill and I spent the afternoon in Tonbridge again. This time, althought there was very little wind to start with, at about 4pm a good stiff breeze got up, sufficient to get a camera aloft methinks.

So armed with a 2m rokkaku, I set to work, and everything seemed to be fine. With the kite at about 300 feet (sh don't tell the CAA), I attached the camera turned everything on and away it went. Time to try out my new line handling kit (carabiner and towrope) which worked fine, so I set off for a stroll round the park with kite attached to me, clicking away merrily and answering questions as I went.

Finally as the wind was picking up and the wether deteriorating, broght everything down to earth and packed away. Before leaving, I decided to check the pictures. Funny no display. Oh well, I'll check when I get home. So having arrived home, I took out the CF card and put it into my card reader. Hmm, according to my computer there are 108 images, well I've got to have at least one good one. NO!!!!!!!! They are all just black.

So after a little experimentation, it seems that my digital elph has expired. It seems to be working fine, but recording black images to the card. As there is no display or anything, my guess is the electronics are fried, so its time to put this oe to bed and see if I can get another. Ebay here I come!