Sunday, February 07, 2010

Issues uncovered and problems solved?

Last week in Hythe I discovered a couple of issues with both my RC and autokap rigs. I think I have solved both of them this week...

The R/C rig only seemed to by operating the shutter on every thrid operation. I've been experimenting all week with SDM and can't seem to get this behaviour to change with any consistency. I've followed the various suggestions on the interweb but to no avail. So in the end, or in frustration, I've gone back to plain vanilla CHDK. So this means I've got to run a script to operate via USB, but I can live with that, and now I'm back operational with the shutter operating on every operation :)

the autokap rig was a bit more tricky to resolve. As I mentioned last week, the camera seemed to stop shooting after about 10 shots when in the air. I experimented with the camera on the ground this week and it seemed to shoot the first couple of shots, then become very inconsistent. No matter what I did, I still couldn't get any consistency. So I asked for some guidance on the KAP discussion forum. Initial advise led me to believe I had a faulty Gentled. Then someone asked if I had the camera set for manual focus or fixed at infinity. So I tried some further experiments. Certainly the gentled wasn't faulty as I could clearly see the IR led flashing. But with the camera focus fixed at infinity, the operation of the shutter was at best random and at worst non-existant. So I switched the camera over to manual focus with focus set to infinity. Immediately the camera started to respond to every flash of the gentled. I also tried it on auto and the shutter continued to respond. Interesting behaviou, but problem solved, so I can go away happy :)

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