Sunday, May 04, 2008

Worldwide KAP Weekend - Day 2

Still a struggle on Sunday, with, I think, even less wind than yesterday. This afternoon I took myself to Giddyhorne Lane pavillion to see whether we could get aloft. The kite of choice today had to be a maxi dopero by Jones Airfoils. It was a struggle to get aloft, and getting up to about 100 feet was difficult. One there, the kite steadied. But with the camera on the line, and trying to get some extra height proved even trickier. A few times, the kite overflew, turned round and strated heading for the ground. But each such dive was easily recovered. Eventually I got enough height to hold everything steady for long enough to get some shots. I should think about half an hour in total.

This is from high above the pavillion
Towards Fant

There is currently some construction work going on to build a new children's play area. This is what it currently looks like.
Construction Site 1

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