Sunday, March 30, 2008

East Malling 30th March

The day started with heavy rain, then during the morning more heavy showers made it look as if I wouldn't be getting out to KAP before going to Berck. But come lunchtime and the clouds rose, the sky brightened, there were even some shadows. I'd arranged to meet some people at East Malling so headed off to see what conditions were like there.

This was to be the first outing for my new Fled. This is a kite designed by Michael Anderson, and enhanced by Brookes Leffler specifically for low wind KAP. Well the day was certainly low wind, as there didn't seem to be any. I set the fled up and managed to launch it, but it quickly came back to the ground. But after about an hyour of accasional draughts we finally managed to get off the ground, and once the tree line was cleared, the kite was stable and pulling consistently.

Maiden flight

I left it flying high and watched as it occasionaly drifted downwind and occassionaly overflew. As the afternoon drew on, I decided to try attaching the rig to the line. So I tied off the kite to a passing goalpost and started getting everything ready. Of course, at this point, the kite started to float downwards. But not to be put off, I put the kite on the line and started paying out line. The rig was spending its life no more than 6 feet off the ground for th emost part. So eventually I decided to bring it all back to earth at which point the wind picked up. So I managed to get a couple of shots.

New Village Hall

But it was defintely not a day for trying to maneouvre the kite anywhere. So after a brief interlude, and with the rig once more on the ground, I decided to pack up. Of course at this point, the wind picked up, but too late for me.

I need to check out why the camera shutter is releasing of its own accord. It is being fired by a Gentled shutter, but for some reason, seems to be firing at random intervals. Something to sort out this evening, and also take the shutter servo off the rig to lighten the load a little bit.

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